Lovin' Me

12/18/20 7:06PM

Helping me is helping we.

This is what I've learned lately.

Because what good are the things that I'm good at, if I do nothing with them?

I can be obsessive over things sometimes. Lately, I've been obsessed with progress. Nothing like being stuck at home for eight months to fill you with existential dread and a desperation to get your long deferred desires into motion, eh?

One of my favorite music artists ever, Kid Cudi, just released a new album "Man on the Moon III: The Chosen One". It wasn't the masterpiece I hold MoTM1-2 up as, but I did like it. As a music lover and sensitive soul, I always related deeply to his psychedelic hip-hop/rock fusion from the late 2000's, and I believe we've both been through a lot in this past decade of our (obviously very different) lives.

One of my favorite tracks on the new album is called "Lovin' Me". I love the ethereal synth in the background, and how uplifting and positive the lyrics are.

My past don't matter babe

I'm much stronger

In fact much farther

These lyrics hit me as a perfectionist/self-critic who, in my worst moments, loves to replay terrible memories/mistakes in my head and thinks that forbids me from deserving anything good in the present. That is a lie I refuse to believe anymore.

So I am loving me, by helping me...and we.

Happy Friday, everyone.